“Fantastic, informative, emotional” – 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights
This Autumn Chocolate Films embarked on possibly the most exciting phase of the 1000 Londoner’s project so far. In November 2015, in 5 independent local cinemas across London, we premiered 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights, “A wonderful snapshot of London life” (Audience Member, Stow Film Lounge) in our very own unique cinematic experience, presented in association with the BFI’s Britain on Film season. You can find out more about the first 3 film programmes here.
“I love the 1000 Londoners project! I am following it since the beginning. I find it very generous and inspiring. Good job Chocolate films! Keep going!”
Our aim in creating 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights was to further deepen the social aspects of 1000 Londoners. Since we first launched we’ve constantly spoken about how we wanted the project to get people from across the city talking and exploring ideas they hadn’t previously considered. In 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights we are incredibly excited to be furthering this idea by bringing the films not just to the big screen, but into communities all around the capital. One audience member who attended a screening in Deptford said “It was very enriching to learn about different viewpoints and real people. I wish I did this more often. It’s not the sort of thing I would instantly decide to watch, but it was very valuable,” whilst someone else from the same screening told us that they “became engrossed and interested in the films characters straight away.”
“An entertaining and informative screening. Fascinating stories I’d love to watch more. Mixing in the archive footage was a perfect little offset.”
The Q+A’s after the screenings with filmmakers and Londoner’s also made an impact on our audience with a Stow Film Lounge audience member telling us that the Q+A “helped me understand the motivation for the films” whilst an audience member from Hackney simply described their experience as “Fantastic, informative, emotional.”
We want to expand these nights beyond the film screenings though. With the bar at the Hackney Attic open until 11pm, themed music playlists and a range of Londoners to meet we’d like to invite you the most sociable new film event London has to offer. Come along and meet local residents and film fans from across the city. Network with other filmmakers and meet people with similar interests and hobbies as yourself. At screenings of our Easy Riders programme we had cyclists and bikers from all walks of life meeting, swapping stories and making plans to try new things together. One audience member described how the event “opened my eyes to different ways cycling is relevant in London” whilst a group in Balham all swapped details to try and arrange future bike rides together! Maybe you’ll even meet someone to inspire your very own 1000 Londoner’s film which could be screened at a future screening?
“It was a great atmosphere, great conversation, Q&A really interesting films full of interesting information”
“Very relaxed and enjoyable, very interesting to meet one of the subjects for the Q&A at the end.”
In 2016 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights is just going to be getting bigger. We will be occupying a regular slot every 2 months at the Hackney Attic, in the Hackney Picturehouse, bringing more exclusive film premieres, engaging Q+A’s with filmmakers and Londoners and incredibly rare archive footage.
1000 Londoners: Movie Nights are events designed not just for watching films, but places to experience the city and it’s residents in a completely unique way. Come and join us at our next event on 18th January 2016. For more information and for tickets please click here!
*All of the above quotes were taken from audience surveys at 1000 Londoners: Movie Nights