Natalia in is and is graphics student.

Natalia is a 17 year old American Londoner. She studies graphic design and is passionate about it. London offers her so many possibilities, Natalia tells. Living here feels better than being in California. After graduating Natalia wants to work in design and eventually join Disney, one of her great inspirations.

This Film was made by Natalia’s fellow students at Uxbridge College. Supported by their Media Teacher the Level 3 UAL Extended Diploma students in Creative Media Production and Technology: Film and Television created 1000 Londoners films as part of their Media course.

Film Maker:

Questions & Answers

  • What's your first memory of London? Going to central London for the first time and seeing all the landmarks.
  • What do you miss when you're away from London? I miss taking the train and bus everywhere.
  • What's your favourite neighbourhood? I love Soho.
  • What's your favourite building? Don't have one, but I do love the theatres.
  • What's your ideal day out in London? Camden, China town then watch something at the theatre.
  • What's your ideal night out in London? Going clubbing.
  • What's your most hated building? Don’t have one.
  • What's the best view in London? The view from the shard.
  • What's your favourite open space? Hyde Park
  • What's your favourite bar, pub or restaurant? The Good Yarn
  • What's the most interesting shop? Forbidden planet
  • What's your favourite place to hang out? In Soho
  • What's been your most memorable night out in London? Can’t remember sorry.
  • How would you like to spend your ideal day off in London? By relaxing at home for a bit, then meeting some friends.
  • Where would you take someone visiting from out of town? First Camden then Chinatown and watch something at the theatre.
  • What's the worst journey you've had to make in London? I got lost in London and it took me a while to find my way.
  • What's your personal London landmark? Soho Theatre
  • Who's your favourite fictional Londoner? Sherlock Holmes
  • What's your favourite London film, book or documentary? Kingsman
  • If you could travel to any time period in London, past or future, where would you go? I would go to the future say 2050.